Intermittent Fasting
Are you keen to try intermittent fasting? Intermittent fasting is a great way to shed extra body fat and to lose weight. You need to be able to follow a time-restricted eating plan before you plunge in. Numerous mistakes made during intermittent fasting can not only hinder your weight-loss efforts but can also increase the risk of weight gain.
We have compiled seven common mistakes when you are trying to intermittent fast.
1. When you choose the wrong fasting plan
Intermittent Fasting allows you to eat all your nutrients within a short time frame and stop eating the rest of that day. You might find intermittent fasting a bit unusual initially, as it may be different from your normal eating routine. Intermittent fasting is when you replace your normal three meals per day with one of many.
You can make the most common intermittent fasting mistakes by choosing the wrong intermittent fasting protocol or making it too demanding. You can think of it like this: If you are used to eating every 2 hours, an intense 24-hour fast could drain your energy levels and leave you feeling discouraged. You should also avoid starting your fast before 5 p.m. if you are tired from your day. If you start your fast at night, you may end up staying awake later than you planned.
Success Tip: Do your research, and choose the Intermittent Fasting Protocol which best suits your needs. The fasting program you choose should fit into your daily routine and not restrict what you eat. If you’re just starting, 14:10 is a great option. This means you can fast for 14hrs and plan your meals in 10hrs.
2. When you finish a fast, it is easy to overeat
It is no secret that you will feel extremely accomplished after completing your first fast. You shouldn’t feel proud, but this is no excuse not to treat yourself. You will likely feel hungry after a fast. Maybe you believe that the calories from the fast will make up for the lost calories. You might feel this way and you could end up eating more than you did all the hard work you put into it.
Intermittent fasting helps you reduce your insulin levels while allowing your body to access other energy sources to burn calories. You can easily overeat when you have completed your fast. This can ruin your efforts and leave you feeling jittery, nauseated, and with blood sugar and insulin spikes immediately.
Success Tip: Plan to avoid mistakes such as overeating while intermittent fasting. Prepare a healthy meal, such as a fruit or vegetable-packed dish that you can eat after your fast ends. Be sure to chew well, take breaks to digest your food, and sip water after you have finished eating. These steps will allow you to feel fuller.
3. Unhealthy Foods are a Common Choice during the Feasting Window
In addition to not eating enough during your feasting time, another common mistake in intermittent fasting involves overeating or eating unhealthy foods either before or afterward. While your body may experience the most benefits during fasting, it’s the foods you eat before or after a fast that will help you to energize your next fast. Fasts won’t be as effective if you don’t eat enough food that will temporarily increase your blood sugar, or give you the feeling of fullness. Your fast’s success will largely depend on the food you eat.
Success Tip: A feasting window gives you the nutrients you need for a fast. Stock up on complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruits to boost your energy levels and curb your hunger pangs. Avoid refined carbohydrates such as sugars and starches. These simple carbs can cause your blood sugar level to spike and trigger an increase in insulin that your body uses instead of burning fat. It will give you more energy, make you feel fuller, and help to lose weight.
4. Drinking enough water is not enough
Did you realize that 70% of the body’s weight is water? High water content means that you must consume large amounts to stay hydrated. But, water is not the only source of water. The food you eat makes up 20-30 percent of your daily water intake. To compensate for any water loss from your diet, you must increase your water intake.
Another mistake made when intermittent fasting occurs is to start your day with a cup of caffeinated or black tea, before you have had any water. Your body lost approximately one liter of water from humidity while you slept. Caffeinated beverages have a diuretic impact that makes it necessary to urinate. Further, your body is dehydrated. Furthermore, high levels of caffeine can negatively influence blood sugar. This makes your body more insulin resistant and more prone to storing unwanted fat.
Success Tip: Hydrate. Hydrate. Get a glass of water to start your day. The same goes for water intake. Aim to have eight to ten glasses daily.