Use Anti-Fatigue Doormats At Salons For The Comfort Of Employees

Hairstylists spend most of the day standing which puts a severe strain on their leg muscles, shoulder, and lower back. Salon owners should look for ways to provide a healthy work atmosphere for salon staff. Anti-fatigue mats serve as a great addition to your salon. Apart from creating a welcoming vibe, it promotes a positive impact for your employees and customers.

How do mats counteract the health problems that arise due to standing for hours?

  • Better joint health: Many hairdressers experience joint, foot, and lower back pain. Placing a mat near the customer chair so that hairdressers can step on it when carrying out their work reduces the wear and tear on joints and eases joint pain.
  • Good for heart health: Leg muscles lock up due to standing for hours which leads to narrowing of veins in the leg, increasing the risk of clots. A layer of cushioning for the legs cuts down this risk and improves blood circulation.
  • Improved posture: When standing on a mat, we exert less pressure on our leg muscles, and the muscles feel relaxed.
  • Eases tension in the neck and shoulder: Hairstylists are constantly using their hands at work. Standing for a long time elevates the stress on the neck and shoulder. Using a mat reduces stiffness.
  • Relieves foot pressure: Our foot is under a lot of pressure after standing on concrete surfaces. Anti-fatigue mats have a super-soft surface that helps to relieve foot pressure.

Anti-fatigue mats additionally help n boosting productivity. The health problems caused by standing dampen staff performance. Investing in good-quality mats benefits your employees and business. If you are looking for top-quality anti-fatigue doormats online, visit the website of Ultimate Mats.

They are one of the top manufacturers in the US and offer a wide selection of mats. Try their bestseller logo mats which are 100% customizable. Incorporate your salon name, logo, or a nice message in your mat to stand out from your competitors.

Other benefits of using doormats in salons:

Doormats aren’t just associated with aesthetics and health benefits. They are functional in several other ways including:

  • Clean environment: Salons tend to get messy. Laying a mat around chairs makes the cleaning work easier. Placing one at the entrance tracks dirt and debris stuck on the shoes of customers and keeps the place spick and span.
  • Protects floor: In the absence of entrance doormats at salons, dirt finds its way into the premises resulting in floor damage. Tending to floor repairs is a costly process. Lay doormats in high-traffic areas to protect the floor.
  • Branding tool: Customized mats incorporated with the salon logo help with boosting your brand image in addition to delivering health benefits.

Choose materials like foam, foam rubber, hard rubber of appropriate sizes. It is essential to purchase the right mat for your needs else the purpose of laying mats is crushed. Choose a durable mat of the right material, size, and shape and purchase mats only from trusted sellers.